
Back To The Course

Module 1 :Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Module 2: Planning Domain Structure & Website Development

Module 3: Introduction to SEO

Module 4: Web Analytics with a focus on GA4

Module 5: Content Creation and Blogging Strategies

Module 6: Social Media Marketing

Module 7: Facebook Ads (Meta Ads)

Module 8: Performance Marketing (Google Ads)

Module 9: Performance Marketing (Other Platforms)

Module 10: Influencer Marketing

Module 11: Email Marketing & WhatsApp Marketing

Module 12: Marketing Automation

Module 13: Resume Building + LinkedIn Optimization & Interview Prep

Module 14: Internship

In the “Configuring basic settings” module, learners will learn how to configure various basic settings in a WordPress website. These settings are important for controlling the overall appearance and functionality of the site.

Some specific topics that may be covered in this module include:

  • Setting the site title and tagline
  • Setting the site language and timezone
  • Configuring permalinks (the permanent URLs of pages and posts on the site)
  • Setting the homepage display (static or dynamic)
  • Configuring the reading settings (number of posts to show on the homepage, etc.)
  • Setting up and configuring search engine visibility

By the end of this module, learners will have a good understanding of how to configure basic settings in WordPress and will be able to customize the appearance and functionality of their website to suit their needs.