In this lesson, students will learn how to write feature files and step definitions in Cucumber. They will learn how to write tests in the Gherkin syntax, including how to create and manage scenarios, outlines, and tags. They will also learn how to map the steps in a feature file to the corresponding code in the step definition files, and how to use parameters and data tables in their tests. Additionally, students will learn how to write effective tests by using techniques such as scenario outlines and background steps, and how to organize their tests using tags. They will also learn how to use Cucumber’s hooks, such as Before and After annotations, to set up and clean up test data before and after a test runs. Finally, students will learn how to use the Cucumber JVM library to implement step definitions in Java, and how to write tests that run in parallel using Cucumber’s built-in parallel test runner.
Back To The Course
Module 1: OOPS Concept
Module 2: Conditional and Loop statements
Module 3: Array
Module 4: String
Module 5 : Programming on String
Module 7: Exceptional handling
Try-catch-finally block
Throw and throws
Module 8: Collection
Module 9: Asynchronised Collection
ConcurrentHashMap, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, and ConcurrentSkipListSet
Module 10: Java 8 Concepts
Lambda expressions
Stream API
Date and time API
Module 11: Interview Practice based on Programming Question
Tips for preparing for technical interviews
Module 12: Selenium Architecture
Overview of Selenium