
Back To The Course

Module 1: OOPS Concept

Module 2: Conditional and Loop statements

Module 3: Array

Module 4: String

Module 5 : Programming on String

Module 7: Exceptional handling

Module 8: Collection

Module 9: Asynchronised Collection

  • ConcurrentHashMap, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, and ConcurrentSkipListSet

Module 10: Java 8 Concepts

  • Lambda expressions
  • Stream API
  • Date and time API

Module 11: Interview Practice based on Programming Question

Module 12: Selenium Architecture

Module 13: Different types of Locator

Module 14: Xpath and CSS deep dive

Module 15: Selenium inbuilt methods

Module 16: Selenium Advanced

Module 17: Coding with Selenium

Module 18: Building a project with Selenium and Java

Module 19: Basic Concepts of TestNG

Module 20: Basic Concepts of Cucumber

Module 21: Basics of Maven

Module 22: Basics of Git

Module 23: Basics of Jenkins

Module 24: Overview of Postman

Module 25: CRUD Operations

Module 26: Configuring Requests

Module 27: Testing Response

Module 28: Schema Validation

Module 29: Path and Query Parameters

Module 30: Collections in Postman

Module 31: Different Types of Variables

Module 32: Scripting in Postman

Module 33: Newman and Jenkins Integration

Students will learn about Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in this session, which is a programming paradigm centred on the concept of “objects,” which can contain data and code that manipulates that data. OOP is a method of arranging code that makes it easier to reuse, maintain, and alter. We will be teaching:

Objects and classes
Abstraction \sInheritance

Students will learn how to use OOP ideas to design and build real-world objects and their behaviours. The lesson will lay a solid foundation for using OOP in programming languages like Java, Python, C++, and others.