Back To The Course

Module 1: OOPS Concept

Module 2: Conditional and Loop statements

Module 3: Array

Module 4: String

Module 5 : Programming on String

Module 7: Exceptional handling

Module 8: Collection

Module 9: Asynchronised Collection

  • ConcurrentHashMap, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, and ConcurrentSkipListSet

Module 10: Java 8 Concepts

  • Lambda expressions
  • Stream API
  • Date and time API

Module 11: Interview Practice based on Programming Question

Module 12: Selenium Architecture

Module 13: Different types of Locator

Module 14: Xpath and CSS deep dive

Module 15: Selenium inbuilt methods

Module 16: Selenium Advanced

Module 17: Coding with Selenium

Module 18: Building a project with Selenium and Java

Module 19: Basic Concepts of TestNG

Module 20: Basic Concepts of Cucumber

Module 21: Basics of Maven

Module 22: Basics of Git

Module 23: Basics of Jenkins

Module 24: Overview of Postman

Module 25: CRUD Operations

Module 26: Configuring Requests

Module 27: Testing Response

Module 28: Schema Validation

Module 29: Path and Query Parameters

Module 30: Collections in Postman

Module 31: Different Types of Variables

Module 32: Scripting in Postman

Module 33: Newman and Jenkins Integration

In this lesson, students will learn about implementing design patterns in Selenium projects. Specifically, they will learn about the page object model (POM) design pattern. The following topics will be covered:

Overview of design patterns in automation testing: An introduction to design patterns in automation testing, including the importance of design patterns, and the different design patterns available.

Page Object Model (POM): An in-depth discussion of the POM design pattern, including the purpose of the POM pattern, and how it helps to improve the maintainability and readability of test code.

Implementing POM: A step-by-step guide on how to implement the POM design pattern in a Selenium project, including information on how to create page objects, implement the POM pattern in test code, and reuse components across multiple test cases.

Benefits of POM: An overview of the benefits of using the POM design pattern in a Selenium project, including improved code readability, increased maintainability, and easier testing of changes to the application under test.

Best practices for implementing POM: A discussion of best practices for implementing the POM design pattern in a Selenium project, including information on creating clear and concise page objects, and avoiding duplication in the implementation of the POM pattern.

By the end of this lesson, students will have a solid understanding of the POM design pattern, and will be able to implement this pattern in their Selenium projects. They will also have a good understanding of the benefits of using design patterns in automation testing, and will be able to apply best practices for implementing the POM pattern in their projects.